About MyOwn PAC
MyOwn believes in the right to privacy, autonomy, and agency over one's own body, and fighting back against all forms of gender-based and sexual violence particularly violations of Intimate Privacy, Nonconsensual Pornography (NCP), Nonconsensual Distribution of Intimate Images (NDII), Synthetic NDII ("deepfakes"), and Image-Based Sexual Abuse (IBSA), as well as the weaponization of our bodies and sexuality. These crimes disproportionately target and harm women, particularly women of color, and LGBTQ+ individuals, and ultimately threaten the promise of an equitable, diverse, and representative democracy.
We are a non-partisan PAC and support candidates from any political party who align with our values and are similarly dedicated to legislative reform pertaining to gender-based and sexual violence, as well as intimate privacy violations. We also provide a range of support and resources to candidates who may find themselves at risk of or are currently being harmed by these abuses. These tactics serve to silence diverse perspectives and by providing support we move towards the creation of a government that truly reflects our society and allows for more equitable and inclusive policymaking.
In addition to direct support, MyOwn is the only PAC in the country that provides candidates with expert screening for online intimate images of them and subsequent DMCA takedown filings if images are found, political crisis comms assistance, as well as legal funding for candidates being threatened with these abuses during their campaigns.